Monday, October 13, 2008

Catch-Up Catch-All

So, much has been happening around here. I'll stick to Brayden on this post and update on the rest of the family later.

So, first off, my son decided to do a little redecorating in his bedroom. He's quite the little budding interior decorator. Not!!! Here's what I entered his room (after cleaning the kitchen whilst he played in his room with the gate up) to find.

In retrospect, I realized that he wasn't being good and playing quietly like I had thought. Just a reminder that there's quiet and then there's TOO quiet.

This event was shortly followed by the lesson that though we can't color on the walls in the bedroom, we CAN color on the walls in the bathtub. You can see that he went to town with that idea.

We've recently discovered the joys of stickers! They're lots of fun and you can stick and re-stick them! Brayden really loved when I pulled these out the other day. He loved even more when he found he could take them off of his shirt and stick them on Mommy's shirt. How cool is that!

(This is as he's in the process of adorning Mommy.)

Eli and I took him to the Daphne Jubilee weekend before last (of which I will post pictures soon). We had fun. On the way back we stopped to grab lunch. Eli got him applesauce with his kids meal. When I got back in the car, this is the sight I saw. At first I thought Eli was crazy! But now I see the complete genius in it. Now it's the only way I let him eat applesauce. Brayden REALLY loves it and it's totally mess free!

Brayden's really into baseball caps. Well, really it's hats of any kind. He even has a Brayden-sized baseball cap that he'll actually keep on and wear out of the house. This is a favorite toy.

And last but not least, for those of you Moms out there who occasionally wonder why it is we don't feed our children anywhere other than the dining room table, this is why...

And that concludes our photo tour. We hope you enjoyed the ride and ask that you please come back soon. :)