Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Milestone!

I know I've posted more in the last week than I have in the last month, but so much has been happening. I went to the bookstore last Thursday night and, on a whim, bought a book on Baby Sign Language. After reading through it I realized what a wonderful thing this would be for us. So Friday we started working on about a dozen signs. They say that a baby his age just starting to learn will sign their first sign in a week or two. Sure enough, tonight he made his first sign! I am so proud of him! We were at my mother's house and he grabbed Clint's vitamin water. He tried to take the cap off to drink it, and when that didn't work, he made the sign for MORE. I wasn't too sure at first that it wasn't a coincidence. So I gave him a sip and put the lid back on. Immediately he said MORE. And he kept doing it each time he wanted another sip. Yay Brayden! I'm so excited. Hopefully more signs will follow soon. I'll be sure to keep you all updated!
