Thursday, April 24, 2008

Growing Moments

I just love watching Brayden grow up. Just today he's managed to tickle me pink all day long. He's trying to talk with his hands, but he's still figuring out how to make the signs and how they relate to the world around him. He's been going up and down stairs (when he's not holding my hands) by crawling. Somewhat awkardly, I might add. He even crawls over uneven ground - he knows he can't walk over it yet. But this afternoon he learned that he can sit on a step and go down to the next one on his bottom instead of turning around and backing down. And he was so funny playing in the front yard. He's getting more adventerous. He'll go into the other side of the yard and even into the driveway where he discovered there's nifty-frito dirt to play with. We took his riding lion outside and he kept finding neat things in the yard and putting them on the seat of the lion and pushing them around. Then Brandon came over for some math help and while he was here, he called my phone from his and I put it on speaker and handed it to Brayden. Brayden was fascinated that Brandon's voice was coming out of the phone and he just lit up walking around with the phone and talking up a storm! I got some good video of it. I'll have to get a cord and upload it to post here. It may be a few days, though. And then tonight, as I was giving him a bath, he discovered that pouring water back into the bath is losing its appeal, but pouring water over the side of the tub and watching Mommy lunge and squeal is hilarious! Then he started pouring the water down his tummy and giggling like crazy. He would look at me like he was looking for confirmation that it was indeed funny, then he would kick his legs and rock back and let loose. Again, I got cute video.

I have decided that I need to take more video of him. I like still shots and all, but as a child, I remember being fasinated with seeing videos of myself. Much more so than flipping through photo albums of still shots of moments I didn't really remember. I mean, there's an egomaniac hiding in each one of us, and that's only multiplied a hundred fold with kids. I also want to start going through all the video I've taken since I got my video camera and edit them onto VHSs. I may make a tape for each of the grandparents to have. Especially Eli's parents since they don't get to see much of Brayden. I'll let you know how it goes.
