Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hi, my name is Liz...

...and I am an addict.

I've recently jumped aboard the knitting express while it was flying by at unknown - but no doubt very fast - speeds. Anyway, in all my perusing for patterns on the web (of which I have now bookmarked well over 30!) I stumbled upon a website called Knitting Help. In addition to having FANTASTIC videos demonstrating every possible kind of stitch, increase, decrease, technique, etc. they have a forum. Oh man, am I hooked. I'm like a druggie on Meth. I check it every hour just to see if anything new's been posted. And considering that there's probably hundreds of active members located all over the world from Japan, to Israel, to Turkey, there's ALWAYS something new happening. I mean, I've only been a member since the 17th and I've already made 62 posts. (That's nearly 6 a day!) I really gotta cut back. And it's not any good for my knitting queue. People post new patterns and my queue has just grown like crazy. I mean, check these out. Are they not the most adorable thing you've ever seen! I absolutely MUST knit a pair - or six. Good lord, I'm going to spend a fortune on this hobby, I just know it. I better start budgeting for yarn or I'll break the bank!