Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All Things New & Exciting

So, lots of exciting news. First off, I got my hair cut! And I'm not talking about a trim. She took the better part of a foot off my hair. (I'm donating it to locks of love.) Now it falls halfway between my chin and my shoulders and curls under at the bottom. It is just so cute! I LOVE it! I was really anxious that it might freak Brayden out, but he just looked at me for a second and then went on about his day. Eli, on the other hand, didn't take it quite so well. I don't think he really likes it as of yet. It makes me look rather different and he's going to need more time to adjust to it. Although before bed last night he did finally admit that it was pretty cute. I'll take pictures and get them up later so you can all see.

Second, and probably more important, Brayden has started trying to talk! I knew it would come in time, but it has been the source of many arguments between Eli and me and I'm glad he's decided to start communicating. He said 'ball' again yesterday, which he hasn't said in many months, and he'll occasionally say 'up'. He said something else, too, but I can't remember what. (I know, I know, way to go Mom.) He's also doing more signing which is a blessing. He will sign 'drink', 'up', 'down', and 'more'. And he points when I say 'go'. He knows and responds to 'car' and 'bath', 'food'/'eat' is still a work in progress. I think that's harder for him because it refers to a variety of things. Even though 'drink' also refers to several different things, they are always presented in his sippy cup. I'm just very excited. It's a huge step forward for us. He's also listening to me more. I can ask him to come to me to change is diaper and he will come. I sit down in the rocking chair with his Puppy Love and a book and he crawls in my lap to read before bed. In fact, I'm now putting him down more or less awake and he'll doze off on his own. He'll hold my hand without much complaint. When he starts to run off in public, I can call him back and he comes to me. The list goes on, but the point is his tantrums and pushing the limits has eased up a lot.

My last big news is that Eli has quit playing WoW! A new game came out that everyone has moved to. He likes it well enough, and a bit more considering all his friends are on it, but our computer won't run it as it is. We would need a new processor, graphics card, and power supply at the very least, and that's just not money we have. So Eli is off gaming. He says it's until we have the money for a new computer, but I think that if I can keep him interested in other things, that he may well not go back at all. He's been talking about that for several months now, but has always gotten bored with nothing else to do, so he's continued to play. But today we're going to buy the supplies and Eli's going to build the baby a wagon! The one I want is $100 and that's just too much for us. So Eli's going to build it instead. (Totally his idea, amazingly enough!). That should keep him sufficiently occupied for a couple weeks. I'll let you know how it goes.

We went to see Kung Fu Panda last night. So good! Brayden actually sat and watched the entire thing without squirming once! He got really excited during the last 20 minutes or so. That will definitely be one we purchase for him.

Anyway, I guess that's about it. I'll check back in soon.
