Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Milestones and Mom's New Toy

So, first the new milestone. Brayden has put himself to sleep the past two nights in a row! This is really exciting for us. Especially if he can keep it up. I still have to be there for half an hour or so to help him wind down, but that's fine with me. We can just sit in his crib and play or read until he's ready to go to sleep. It's really good quality time. But I cannot tell you how excited I am to not have to stand there leaning over his crib while he drifts off. In fact, night before last, I went in there to check on him expecting him to still be awake, only to find that he'd pulled the blanket up over himself and fallen asleep! It was too cute. The night before that he would have fallen asleep on his own, but when I walked in there he had the pillow over his head and it just made me too nervous to leave him like that.

I'm finishing up Brayden's room this week! I have the chair rail hung and caulked. I'm going in there in a little bit to sand everything down and touch up the walls where the caulk smeared. Later I'll go get some painter's tape so I can paint the rail and the baseboards. Then all that's left is the border and the carpet! Yay! The end is in sight.

So, Mom's new toy. My FIL has been in Florida for over a week and is on his way home today. On his way through Mobile, he stopped and dropped this off for me.

He bought me a camera! I'm going to sit down with the manual tonight after baby's in bed and learn how to use the thing. I'm really excited. It'll be a while before I can start using it to make any money, but it's a big step in that direction!