Just wanted to say Happy Easter to you all and post this picture. We went to the mall last night and had Brayden's picture taken with the Easter Bunny. I'll post again tomorrow and tell you all about our very fun Easter weekend.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Posted by Liz at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
So much is happening...I think
I feel like the older Brayden gets, the more it feels like so much is going on, when really I'm just cataloging all the neat and wonderful things he does. Like he has a new face he makes where he scrunches up one side of his mouth and starts to talk. It's just so adorable. And I love that he's now old enough that when I look at him and he grins at me, I can tell there's a feeling of love behind his eyes. It just melts my heart every time. He's growing closer to his Daddy and I just love watching them together and seeing how much Brayden clearly adores Eli. It's really done a lot for Eli. It was hard for him in the beginning while Brayden was so clearly attached to me. Now Brayden is such a Daddy's boy.
We got our tax return recently, so we've been having a lot of fun spending some of the money. Eli went out a bought a PS2 and all the stuff for us to play Guitar Hero III together. It's been a blast hanging out together the past few days. Eli has finally given up on World of Warcraft. (Duck! I think the sky is coming down!!) I know, I never thought I would see the day either. But he's really been unhappy with it as of late and just hasn't found another hobby to immerse himself in. Well, I told him he could go splurge on a PS2. It's so wonderful to spend time with him doing something we both really enjoy. It's done wonders for our marriage just in the three days we've had it. I didn't realize how much I missed spending time together - or that we weren't before.
I went out today and bought Brayden one of those little buggys that look like cars and have a handle so Mom or Dad can push baby around the neighborhood. I got it at a consignment shop for $24. I was looking for an Easter outfit, but I that search continues. I guess I'll just go to Sears and get one of those little outfits that has dress pants, and button up shirt, and a sweater vest. Some of them are cute enough and there's several in nice springtime colors. I'm ordering Brayden some new shoes tomorrow. We went to a store that carries them in Fairhope today to make sure they would fit, but the store didn't have any of the styles I want. I'm getting these to match his outfit for Markus' birthday party. I'm also getting these. I was going to get a little pair of white sandals for Easter, but if I'm buying him a little pants ensemble instead of a dressy outfit like a jumper, then I'll wait until closer to summer.
I went to WalMart the other day to get some things (like my Swiffer Wet Jet...YAY!) and bought Brayden a little original Swiffer. I was using my Sweep & Vac the other day and Brayden was having a blast trying to help me vacuum. So I brought the Swiffer home and only put together two parts of the handle and gave it to him for a toy. He loves it! He's been walking around all over the house pushing it around. Eli was excited about the free slave labor! I got a couple cute shots.
Brayden has started posing when I pull out my camera and start clicking away. He's going to me a ham, I can see it now.
I really wanted to buy the little Classic Pooh diaper bag from Target I've been drooling over...I mean eyeing...since, oh, this time last year. But when I went over there last wekk, it wasn't there! I have searched everywhere online including eBay and have decided that I just waited too long. I'm pretty sure they don't make it anymore. I know they had it around December. I was supposed to get it for Christmas, but didn't. I guess now I'll never have it. I really feel such a sense of loss. It was sso cute and I really, really wanted it. They have a new one that's similar, but the design just isn't as cute as the one I wanted. Oh well.
My sister's birthday was Tuesday. My mom took her out to breakfast and lunch and to have her colors done and get her first round of makeup. We got to tag along. It was a really fun day. We gave her a Caboodle to put it all in and I finished her scarf and gave it to her. You can see a picture of it on my FO Gallery.
I guess I've rambled on enough for one night. It's late and I'm tired. Everything else I have to say will have to wait for my next post. Night all!
Posted by Liz at 10:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
What kind of yarn are you?
According to this neat little quiz one of the girls posted on KH, I'm merino wool. The description is so me. Here, check it out.
What kind of yarn are you?
You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
Take this quiz!
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Posted by Liz at 1:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Photo Fest
So, I've got lots to share. Firstly, last week I decided to let the kids fingerpaint. I didn't want paint in clothes or on my walls, so instead I added food coloring to tapioca pudding. Then if they stuck their fingers in their mouth I wouldn't have to worry about toxicity. I bought Andrew some Magic Sand and he played with that instead. Here's a couple good shots.
On another note, the nursery is in a temporary state of finished. I still need to sand and stain the dresser and get a twin bed and hang pictures. But here it is for now.
Brayden's sleeping so well on his own and it's so lovely to get a full night's sleep for the first time since I got pregnant.
On another note, Brayden is learning how to throw and catch a ball. Mom has a little stuffed football at her house and we've been practicing when we go visit. He loves it. He's really obsessed with balls and the word ball. In fact, he's now signing it and trying hard to say it. He gets the "ba" part out, but he's still timid about saying it. I think he's still feeling it out in his mouth. On the signing note, he's also signing "more" and he responds to "kiss". If you ask for a kiss while signing it, he'll give you a kiss.
We went over to my mother's last night and I gave Brayden's hair a trim. His bangs were down in his eyes. I didn't want to give him a full haircut. I won't do that until there's enough hair for me to get a keepsake curl. But I had to trim the front. He hated it. He fought pretty good. My mom had to hold his hands with one hand and steady his head with the other. All things considered, I didn't do such a bad job. And it'll have a couple weeks to grow out a little before Easter. Look at my little man!
Well, that's all for now. I'll check back in later.
Posted by Liz at 8:17 PM 2 comments